New Patients Registrations

If you would like to register, please collect registration forms from reception.

Thank you.

Register as a New Patient

To register with our practice, each person will be asked to complete a registration form. All patients aged 16 or over will need to complete the adult registration form.

If you are on repeat medication(s), please list or attach your repeat slip from your previous surgery to your registration forms. This is for information purposes only, whilst the medical records from your previous GP surgery are being transferred to us. You will still need to request medication when it is due.

If you are set up so your prescriptions are sent automatically to a pharmacy, please inform thee pharmacy if you no longer want them to recieve your medication.

If you are completing a child registration pack for a newborn baby or young child, please also make sure you include a list of vaccinations given, which can be obtained from your previous GP surgery or the red book.

We have an open list and patients moving within our catchment area are free to register. To register at the practice your home address must fall within our practice boundary. You can check to see if your address is within our boundary by using the map and postcode checker on this page.

You may consult any Clinician in the practice. We do ask you to see the same Clinician for the duration of a particular illness or problem, if this is possible.

For your benefit we feel it is important for all members of a household to be registered with the same practice.

If you would like to register with the practice, please check you are in our catchment area, and collect registration forms from reception.

Checklist for Registering

  • Check that you are in the catchment area for registering with the surgery.
  • Complete the registration forms fully. Sign and date where required. Find your NHS number.
  • Attach a copy of your repeat prescription slip (if applicable). This is for information purposes only, whilst the medical records from your previous GP surgery are being transferred to us. You will still need to request medication when it is due.
  • Inform your pharmacy if you no longer want to collect your prescription from them (if applicable).
  • If you are registering a newborn baby or young child, please also make sure you include a list of vaccinations given, which can be obtained from your previous GP surgery or the red book.
  • Return the completed forms and any other documents to surgery reception.

Further Information

Please read before completing new patient registration forms;

Organ Donation

Organ donation in England has changed to an opt out system. You will automatically be opted in for organ donation. Please click here to read more.

Your donation preference can no longer be processed through the GP practice, but should you wish to, you can record your preferences directly through the organ and blood donation websites, or directly by phone.

  • To check organ donation eligibility or to opt-out, please click here.
  • To register for blood donation, please click here.
  • To register for blood or organ donation by phone, text or post, please click here for contact information.

Temporary Patient Registrations

If you are unwell whilst away from home, you can receive emergency treatment from a local GP practice for 14 days. If you need an appointment after 14 days, you will need to register as a temporary patient. You will need to be staying in our catchment area to use our emergency and temporary services.

You can be registered as a temporary patient for up to three months. This will allow you to be on the local practice list and still remain a patient of your permanent GP surgery. If you will need treatment for longer then three months, you will have to permanently register with the practice. You can re-register with your previous GP surgery when you return home.

To register as a temporary patient, please speak to our reception team. If we can offer an appointment, you will need to attend the practice to complete a temporary patient registration form. You cannot register as a temporary patient at a practice in the town or area where you are already registered.

Non-English Speakers

These fact sheets have been written to explain the role of UK health services, the National Health Service (NHS), to newly-arrived individuals seeking asylum. They cover issues such as the role of GPs, their function as gatekeepers to the health services, how to register and how to access emergency services.

Special care has been taken to ensure that information is given in clear language, and the content and style has been tested with user groups.

Open the leaflets in one of the following languages:

 English  Farsi  Urdu
 Albanian  Bengali  Hindi
 Arabic  Croatian  Lithuanian
 Bulgarian  Punjabi  Polish
 Chinese (Cantonese)  Somali  Portuguese
 Chinese (Mandarin)  Gujerati  Spanish
 Russian  Turkish  French



Disabled Patient Facilities

There is access through the main door. We have toilet facilities for the disabled. The surgery has its own car park with a disabled parking space.