News & Updates

Please See Below for Practice News, Updates & Information on Local & National Health Campaigns.

Please visit for the latest news from NHS England.

A drawing of a blue inhaler with a recycling symbol alongside it

Inhaler Returning and Recycling

July 2024

You can now recycle pressurised metered dose inhalers at participating sites.

Inhalers should not go in the bin or recycling at home. They end up in landfill, and the gases they contain contribute to climate change. Even inhalers that seem empty can still contain greenhouse gases. (Don’t worry, though – these gases are not harmful to your health when you use your inhaler.)

Please bring your old, expired and unused inhalers to a participating pharmacy. Two local pharmacies are Olins Pharmacy (The Oval) and Roadnight Pharmacy (Station Road).

More information and other participating sites can be found at

Whooping Cough: Rise in Cases

July 2024

Whooping cough (pertussis) is an infection of the lungs and breathing tubes. It spreads very easily and can be serious.

The first signs of whooping cough are similar to a cold, such as a runny nose and sore throat; a high temperature is uncommon. The cough may last for several weeks or months. Treatment for whooping cough depends on your age and how long you've had the infection.

The whooping cough vaccine is routinely given as part of the baby and pre-school booster vaccinations for children. If you're pregnant you should also have the whooping cough vaccine, when you're around 20 weeks pregnant. This helps protect your baby for the first few weeks of their life.

Please visit for more information on whooping cough. Please visit for more information on vaccinations.

Please contact the surgery if you need to check your vaccination status.

Measles And The MMR Vaccine

July 2024

There has been a recent increase in Measles cases in London. Those who have never received a measles vaccine (MMR) are at risk. Please contact reception if you need to check your vaccination status.

The MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine is a safe and effective combined vaccine.

It protects against 3 serious illnesses: measles, mumps and rubella (german measles). These highly infectious conditions can easily spread between unvaccinated people, and can lead to serious problems including meningitis, hearing loss and problems during pregnancy.

Please visit for more information on measles.

Please visit for more information on the MMR vaccine.


Childhood Immunisations: Your Questions Answered

July 2024

If your child is aged between three and five years old, they should be up to date with their immunisations before starting school.

These pre-school immunisations (also known as vaccinations) will help protect your child against many serious infections. Now is a good time to catch up with any of the usual immunisations your child may have missed as a baby or toddler.

Please contact reception if you need to check your childs vaccination status, or to enquire about catch-up doses. It is never too late to have your child immunised.

Please visit for more information.

How do I check if my mole is skin cancer?

July 2024

Moles are small, coloured spots on the skin. Most people have them and they're usually nothing to worry about unless they change size, shape or colour.

Some moles can be a sign of melanoma, a type of skin cancer. It's important to check your moles regularly for any changes.

The ABCDE checklist should help you tell the difference between a normal mole and melanoma.

Please visit for more information.

You can also visit for guidance on sunscreen and sun safety.

a sunhat and sunglasses on the beach

Summer Health

A selection of blood test tubes in a holder

Synnovis Cyber Incident

June 2024

NHS organisations across London continue to work in partnership to manage patient care following the ransomware cyber-attack on Synnovis in June 2024. Primary care services in South East London continue to be impacted.

NHS staff are working around the clock to minimise disruption to patient care following the ransomware cyber-attack on Synnovis.

Unfortunately, some operations and procedures continue to be postponed, the majority of routine pathology tests have been postponed in primary care services in South East London.

Synnovis has informed us that a significant number of tests undertaken in June 2024 have been cancelled. We apologise for any inconvenience and uncertainty caused by this. We will contact you if your test has been cancelled and needs repeating.

We apologise to all those who have been impacted and staff will work hard to rearrange appointments and treatments as quickly as possible.

Urgent and emergency services are available as usual so patients should access services in the normal way by dialling 999 in an emergency and otherwise use NHS 111 through the NHS App, online or on the phone.

If you have not heard from your healthcare provider, please attend appointments as normal as services including outpatients and community services are mostly running as usual, including cervical screening.

Please visit for more information and the latest updates.

A group of people walking along a path alongside grass

Cruse Walk and Talk Group

June 2024

Cruse Bereavement Support are a charity who can help people with bereavement support, information and campaigning.

Cruse Bexley and Bromley have a 'Walk and Talk Group'. They walk on Tuesdays (come rain or shine!) and meet between 10.00am and 10.20am outside The Stables restaurant in Danson Park, Bexleyheath,

The walk around Danson Lake takes about 50 minutes, and they finish the walk back at The Stables, where some of the walkers like to have tea or coffee and continue their chat with walk leaders or other walkers.

No booking is required, you are welcome to just come along, or call 0208 304 5245 for more information.

Please visit for more information on Cruse and their work.

A person wearing gloves holding a petri dish and swabbing it in a laboratory

E. Coli Outbreak

June 2024

Escherichia Coli (also know as E. Coli) bacteria are frequently found in the intestines of humans and animals. There are many different types of E. Coli, and while some live in the intestine quite harmlessly, others may cause a variety of diseases.

There has been an increased number of cases in the UK in recent weeks of people who have become ill with E. Coli. It is often transmitted by eating contaminated food, but can also be spread by close contact with an infected person, as well as direct contact with an infected animal or its environment.

Syptoms can include severe and sometimes bloody diarrhoea, stomach cramps, vomiting, fever, nausea and fatigue.

To reduce your risk and stop the spread, you can;

  • regularly wash your hands with warm water and soap - alcohol gels do not kill all bugs that cause diarrhoeal illness
  • follow food hygiene measures such as washing fruit and vegetables and cooking food properly
  • if you have diarrhoea and vomiting, you should not prepare food for others and avoid visiting people in hospitals or care homes

Further information can be found at and

How your General Practice team can help you

June 2024

There are a range of health professionals who work together within the surgery, to help you get the right care when you need it.

In addition to GPs, our team includes;

  • nurses
  • specialist MSK physiotherapist
  • clinical pharmacists
  • mental health practitioner
  • social prescribing link worker
  • dietician
  • care co-ordinators

Our receptionists are trained to discuss your medical concern thoroughly and confidentially, so you can be seen by the right health professional for your situation.

Your General Practice team is here to help you. To find out more about the support that is on offer at general practices, please visit

Blood Pressure Check Service

May 2024

In addition to the GP surgery, certain pharmacies in South East London offer free NHS blood pressure checks. Having your blood pressure checked at a pharmacy is quick and easy and often does not require an appointment.

A blood pressure check usually takes around 5 minutes in the pharmacy consultation room with the community pharmacist. Depending on your blood pressure reading, you may be reassured that you have a normal blood pressure or be referred to your GP for appropriate management. The pharmacist will explain any next steps if necessary.

There is also a self-service blood pressure monitor in the surgery waiting room. This is a walk-in service, no appointment required. Please speak to our reception team for more information.

Find a pharmacy that offers free blood pressure checks


Three empty blood vials with yellow tops

Free Home Test For Hepatitis C

May 2024

Hepatitis C is a virus that affects your liver. It can be cured by taking a course of tablets.

Lots of people have hepatitis C without knowing. Even if you do not know you have it, it can damage your liver and can sometimes lead to life-threatening conditions like liver cancer or liver failure.

You can do a free, confidential hepatitis C test at home. You prick your finger to get some blood and then send the blood to get tested.

Please visit for more information about hepatitis c, the testing process, and to order a free test kit to your address.

A person in a kitchen cutting up vegetable with a chopping knife

Healthy Living With Type 2 Diabetes

May 2024

Healthy Living is a free, online NHS programme that supports people to live well with type 2 diabetes.

It includes information and advice about:

  • eating well
  • becoming more active
  • how to look after your body and mind
  • ther NHS services and support
  • living with diabetes, including driving, working and travelling

You can use the Healthy Living programme whenever suits you, and for as long as you need - there is no limit to access so you can learn at your own pace. It can also be used alongside any other diabetes programmes or education you may be taking part in.

To register for the programme, please visit

To find out more about your risk of type 2 diabetes, please visit

A person jogging on an empty road of a sunny day

Mental Health Awareness Week

May 2024

Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 will take place from 13th to 19th May, on the theme of 'Movement: Moving more for our mental health'.

One of the most important things you can do to help protect your mental health is regular movement. Moving more can increase your energy, reduce stress and anxiety, and boost your self-esteem.

Please visit for more information and tips on moving more.

You can also visit Every Mind Matters for further information on mental health, and to create a free personalised mind plan.

A person wearing a blue glove holding a needle and vial of liquid

COVID-19 Vaccinations

April 2024

The NHS will be contacting eligible patients for covid vaccinations this Spring.

Please speak to our reception team if you need to check or update your contact details.

Please see the eligibility criteria and more detailed information on the vaccination at

Get information about NHS COVID-19 services such as testing, research and calling 119, by visiting

A person stands outside a pharmacy which has a sign whch reads Get Well Sooner

Pharmacy First: How Pharmacies Can Help

February 2024

Pharmacists can give you advice on a range of conditions and suggest medicines that can help. They may also be able to offer treatment and prescription medicine for some conditions, without you needing to see a GP.

Conditions they can treat as part of Pharmacy First are:

  • earache (aged 1 to 17 years)
  • impetigo (aged 1 year and over)
  • infected insect bites (aged 1 year and over)
  • shingles (aged 18 years and over)
  • sinusitis (aged 12 years and over)
  • sore throat (aged 5 years and over)
  • urinary tract infections or UTIs (women aged 16 to 64 years)

Please visit for more information.

Find out how pharmacists can help with medicine and medical advice, and find your nearest pharmacy.

South East London Cancer Alliance

October 2023

The South East London Cancer Alliance can offer information and guidance if you're a cancer patient, carer, friend or family member.

On their website, they have a range of information and resources designed to help patients and families at all stages of cancer screening, diagnosis, and beyond.

Please see this short film regarding their work.

Please visit for more information.

Cervical Screening Awareness Week

June 2023

Cervical Screening Awareness Week is an annual event, taking place from 19th to 24th June this year.

The HPV vaccination, cervical screening, and treatment for cell changes can all help prevent cervical cancer, and Jo's Trust are working to increase awareness and uptake. Please visit for more information on this awareness week.

Please visit for more information on the cervical screening.

Diabetes Care Process: A Short Film

April 2023

Type 2 diabetes is a common condition that causes the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood to become too high. It can cause symptoms like excessive thirst, needing to pee a lot and tiredness.

It's a lifelong condition that can affect your everyday life. If diagnosed, you may need to change your diet and take regular medication.

Have you been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes? Did you know that a yearly check at the GP surgery can help you manage and live a healthy life with diabetes?

Please see this short film, regarding the diabetes care process.

Please visit for more information on diabetes, and where to get further help and support.

Poster advertising national HIV testing week

National HIV Testing Week

February 2023

National HIV Testing Week takes place from Monday 6th February until Sunday 12th February 2023. Testing for HIV is free, fast, confidential and simple; you can do it at home with a self-test kit. Most people get HIV from someone who doesn’t know they have it, and testing is the only way to know if you have HIV.

Free HIV test kits are available to anyone over 16 that lives in England. Choose from a lab test (with optional syphilis test) and get results by text, or a rapid self-test you can do yourself.

Pleave visit for more information on HIV and to order a free HIV test.

Connect Well HIV provides free online counselling, coaching, hypnotherapy and wellbeing workshops for adults living with HIV in London. Please visit for more information.

Poster advertising evening and weekend appointments with a GP or nurse

Additional Appointments Outside of Normal Opening Hours

January 2023

Patients can now see a GP or Nurse on evenings and weekends, at Woodlands or a local surgery or location, in their Primary Care Network. Please speak to our reception team to find out more and book an appointment (subject to availability).

If you need to change or cancel your evening or weekend appointment, please call the surgery.

If you need to cancel a weekend appointment when we're closed, please call 0208 176 0410.

Please note this phone number can only be used to cancel out of hours appointments, and not to contact the surgery.

Breast Cancer: Signs & Symptoms

October 2022

Breast Cancer Awareness Month takes place every October, and is an annual campaign to raise awareness about the impact of breast cancer, which is the most common type of cancer in the UK.

Please visit and for more information on symptoms, prevention, treatment and living with breast cancer.

Please also visit the for information on how you can do a breast self-examination at home.

Stoptober: Want To Quit Smoking?

October 2022

Bexley Stop Smoking Service is available to anyone who wants to stop smoking in Bexley.

They provide free, friendly and effective practical support, as well as offering a full range of evidence-based smoking cessation medications. They can also advise on vaping and can direct you to local vape shops.

For more information, please visit

Stoptober is a Public Health England initiative that encourages smokers to abstain from smoking for 28 days in October. The 28 smoke-free days are based on the statistic that if you can quit smoking for 28 days, you are 5 times more likely to quit permanently.

Please visit for more information.

Prostate Cancer: Check Your Risk In 30 Seconds

September 2022

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, but you may not have symptoms with early prostate cancer.

Symptoms of prostate cancer do not usually appear until the prostate is large enough to affect the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the penis (urethra).

The earlier it is caught, the more likely it is to be cured.

Please visit for more information.

Please visit to check your risk in 30 seconds.

Bowel Cancer Screening

July 2022

Bowel cancer is a general term for cancer that begins in the large bowel. Depending on where the cancer starts, bowel cancer is sometimes called colon or rectal cancer.

Bowel cancer is one of the most common types of cancer diagnosed in the UK. Most people diagnosed with it are over the age of 60.

Please visit for more information on the symptoms, causes, treatment and living with bowel cancer.

In England, everyone aged 60 to 74 who's registered with a GP is eligible for NHS bowel cancer screening. It involves using a home testing kit to send off some poo samples to be tested for blood. This can help detect bowel cancer before symptoms appear.

Please visit for more information about the NHS bowel cancer screening checks.

An image of a hospital waiting room, with empty chairs

My Planned Care: Waiting For Hospital Treatment

May 2022

My Planned Care supports people waiting for a hospital appointment, operation or treatment, and gives them advice and support while they wait. This includes access to average waiting times at their hospital, and other useful advice about local services.

The site is updated weekly with further advice and information on how to manage pain, keep healthy, look after your mental health, access financial help and other local support services.

Please visit for more information.

A family of two parents and two children on a beach looking at the sea

Teen Life: Sessions For Parents/Carers Of Teenagers On The Autism Spectrum

February 2022

Teen Life is a six session programme, for parents/carers of young people aged 10 to 16 years on the autism spectrum.

Developed by the National Autistic Society, the Teen Life programme aims to empower parents and supporting professionals, to understand more about how autism is experienced by teenagers.

Please click here for more information on applying.

A group of people sitting on chairs in a room talking

Cancer Support & Wellbeing Sessions At Lewisham Hospital

February 2022

There is a new service at Lewisham Hospital every Friday, from 9.30am - 12pm, offering support to patients who have recieved a cancer diagnosis. There are various areas of support offered for patients that would like to speak with a specialist, or who would like to be signposted to other services.

This service is available for patients who have received their cancer diagnosis at either Lewisham Hospital or Queen Elizabeth Hospital. This is a drop-in service, no appointment required.

Please click here for more information.

Zero Tolerance Policy

December 2021

The NHS operate a Zero Tolerance Policy with regard to violence and abuse and the practice has the right to remove violent patients from the list with immediate effect in order to safeguard practice staff, patients and other persons.

Violence in this context includes actual or threatened physical violence or verbal abuse which leads to fear for a person’s safety. In this situation we will notify the patient in writing of their removal from the list and record in the patient’s medical records the fact of the removal and the circumstances leading to it.

In certain situations, the police may be called to remove a person(s) from the surgery.

The NHS violence reduction strategy includes measures to better protect staff and prosecute offenders more easily. Read more here.

a person having a blood test

Booking A Blood Test

July 2021

Please ensure that you have read your blood test form on collection to check the date you are required to have the blood test, and any other clinical details.

You cannot currently walk-in for a blood test at the hospital.

You can book your blood test appointment online by visiting

Alternativly you can call 0208 333 3217 to book a blood test with the Phlebotomy Booking Service. You will get through to the phlebotomy call centre, with advisors able to book appointments at all available locations. The call centre is open Monday to Friday between 8am and 4pm.

A person sitting at a desk with a laptop and a mobile phone in the left hand

Contact Information

May 2021

Please make sure we have your up-to-date contact information. Please call the surgery on 020 8300 1680 to update your details, or complete an online consultation. All patients aged 16 or over are responsible for managing their own healthcare, so please make sure we can contact you.

A purple folder with a selection of documents and letters inside

Patient Confidentiality

April 2021

Please can we remind patients that everyone 16 years or over needs to contact the surgery for their own results and medical information. Due to patient confidentiality, we cannot give information about any patients 16 years or over to anyone else.

If you would like to give permission for other person(s) to access your medical records, please fill in this form and return it to surgery. We will then add to your notes that you have given written permission for this access. This permission can also be removed at any time by request.

Can I speak to a GP about someone else's health?

The NHS logo over an image of a heart, printed on a pavement

Find Your NHS Number

February 2021

A new service is now live to help you find your NHS number. This service is for anyone living in England who has forgotten or does not know their NHS number.

You can opt for the number to be sent to you by text, email or letter. Please visit to use this service.

A gloved hand holding a petri dish in a laboratory

Returning Samples To Surgery

Janaury 2021

Please can we remind patients that all samples must be brought into surgery before 12.30pm.

We cannot keep any samples in the surgery overnight. Any samples brought to the surgery after 12.30pm will not be accepted.

All samples must be clearly labelled with patients' full name and date of birth. The time when the sample was taken must also be added. All samples must be handed in a clear plastic bag.

Samples not labelled correctly will not be sent off or analysed by the laboratory.

Please seal all containers tightly, samples that leak will also not be tested.

For all test results, please call the surgery between 11am - 4pm any weekday, and select line 2.

We expect sample and blood results to be actioned within 5 working days. Scans and X-rays will take much longer.

It is the responsibility of the patient to contact the surgery for their results.